Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013

Dummy Storey

I have a story that never been told. So, you're the lucky one to hear!
He was a boy, an ordinary boy who started his life by enrolled  a so-so high school. There, like an other guy, he met many people, the good and the bad. 
Coincidental, there was one girl who made him interested in. She is not pretty- you can say that she is ugly! The girl is arrogant and has a high self-esteem. She is not attractive at all. Tall, skinny, have a black hair as black her skin but what the hell on earth she is so arrogant!
He mocked at her for first, but she still calm and didn't respond to him. But........ Yeah, as you guessed before, they became enemy. He dislike her and she dislike him. Yeah, so simple like that
Unfortunately, the fragile heart of that girl made her fell in love with him. The boy who was her enemy. 
Girl side:
I loved him for no reason, yeah, besides he was attractive, cute and cold like nobody can touch. I always adore him and forgot that i'm an ugly duck who fell in love with a human. Yeah, I love him, just love him.

Boy side:
I like her. I like her like another nice girl in my school. I like her attitude, her mindset which made me felt right when i chattered with her. But, just like another girl in my school, she can't made my heart beat fast. Maybe she thought me her Romeo, but i don't think so... I knew her feeling from start, but.... i just.... cant return her feeling... without made her hurt.

Long time... the boy didn't contact her; so does her. She through her life happily and loving someone else. But then, he came again.

Girl side:
Your personality made me fell for you once again. Please, be my side forever....... 
*how poor she was, she fall for wrong person*

Boy side: 
I just..... miss my old friend. So i contacted her. How that thing be so wrong? Oh my God.

Then the boy left again, leaving her who was crawling for his love secretly. When he came again, the girl was still waiting for him. How poor she is. Then, what is more cruel than unrequited love, by the way? :D

Senin, 04 Maret 2013

Secuil Perasaan Tak Terdefini

Halo, ternyata udah lama ya aku gak ngepost. Padahal dulu......... Ihik.
Banyak hal yang udah aku lewati selama setengah tahun ini. Transformasi, penyempurnaan dan self-esteem gak dipungkiri menjadi bagian terbesar.
Apa ya... Mau ceritanya mulai dari mana ya?
Entahlah, kondisi di lingkunganku gak terlalu menyenangkan.
Seseorang yang aku kira sahabat ternyata bukan, seseorang yang dulu sempat ngebuat aku gak nyaman malah sekarang jadi orang yang paling penting.. Mungkin aku emang orang yang terlalu cepat menyimpulkan sesuatu, ya.
Dan akhirnya sekarang aku tahu kenapa lingkungan gak bisa total ngebuat aku nyaman di dalamnya.... Kecurangan-kecurangan yang dianggap wajar, ketidak-sukaan terhadap seseorang yang menjadi topik utama, dan adanya ketidaksetaraan kasta menurutku adalah issue penting yang entah mengapa banyak orang abaikan. Gak aku pungkiri, aku juga pernah mengabaikan semua itu. Aku juga pernah merasa menang atas semua orang, tapi untunglah, nurani belum terlambat angkat bicara.
Untuk semua orang yang mengerti bait demi bait kata di halaman, ini, terimakasih. Aku tidak bisa menyalahkan siapa-siapa, tulisan ini hanyalah secuil dari perasaanku yang mungkin berguna untuk seseorang, tapi tidak masuk akal bagi yang lain. Dan sekali lagi, terimakasih atas tiga menit yang kamu luangkan untuk membaca tulisan kecil ini :)