Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012

Mittsommer Fest, JB with Adhitya Sofyan on Late Night

Hi gurlsss I'm here to tell you about my last night experience on 15 June 2012!
Mittsommer Fest is an event by De Britto SHS with guest stars Adhitya Sofyan and Endah n' Rhesa! Wow! How classy (ʃƪ˘ڡ˘)
Thanks God you attended Adhitya Sofyan in Yogyakarta, I'm his biggest fan!
The price of entry pass is 20.000 rupiahs. Quite expensive for event like that (plus they held this event on their school. It's decrease the fee, right?)
But fortunately I didn't disappointed. The event was great. Adhitya Sofyan is too great to say kyah I'm going crazy when he started play his guitar. The melodies played on my mind. The first song is 'Gaze'. It's amazing to know that I instantly know the song when it was in intro! Wow.
We started sing together, on the ground with newspaper for separated our bottoms with soil. Haha, that's not sarcasm *wink* Sorry for not capture a good pic of Adhitya Sofyan. It was too dark last night.
Two thumbs up for JB, twenty thumbs up for my beloved uncle Adhitya Sofyan ♥
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