Senin, 11 Juni 2012

Secret Admirer

I always ended up being secret admirer of someone. I don't know why. It's like already written on my destiny book. I don't say that secret admirer was bad, but.. I think that'll be nice if we have someone as our light-through-the-dark than looking from the window and hope he can be ours.
Yeah, a secret admirer. A fellow that stalks your daily, knows much about you and claims that s/he understands you more than everything. Erase the last point. I'm not that too much.
Back to my story..
Maybe get someone-to-be-theirs is easy for some people. But unfortunately, it's pretty hard for me. No, I'm not a desperate girl, I'm not found mine yet. Finding someone is quite hard (a real someone, I mean) people around me was great but there're much things to be amazing. Something that only can be done by my prince charming..
I'm just a silly fellow that admire someone unreachable but as long as I can look at his eyes- A beautiful ones, I think my life would be perfect. Proud to know you, wx.. Thanks for be my prince charming this whole time. Thanks for those compliments (I always remember your sentences when I'm down) ♥ love to be your secret admirer.
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