Selasa, 26 Juni 2012


It hurts when you think that someone's into you, but suddenly that feel goes down and you realized that he's not into you at all
It hurts when one day you remember that face then smiling but one day after, you remember that as a bury-able thing.
It's funny, how suddenly love turns to unsayable thing..
It's funny to remember that I ever smile and cry at the same time because of that memory
It's funny to realize that you feel the same way then it crushed and totally broken at a very short time
It's worse when I'm trying to be close to you but it didn't happen 'cause I'm too coward for you
It's fool when our eyes met and i did'nt say anything but blushing all the way
It's fool when I think that you like me
It's undeniable when you didn't do anything it means that your heart is with someone else, not with me.
See? All my memories about that is full of foolishness.
Now, with Aditya Sofyan's music I realize that my stupid though about you is......................... Very what-will-stupid-girl-think-about-her-crush
I know why lovers called crush. Because he can crushed your heart at one second. Walla!
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